Saturday 10 January 2015

Introduction To The Coursework

For our coursework, we have to create a title-sequence for a movie of our choice. Focusing on the genre conventions we choose; adapting the typography, special effects, soundtrack etc. to fit these conventions. I will be following the acronym, STINCS which stands for:

  • S - Setting: where a film is based, the context of the area such as a plantation tells you the era and society's views within that period.
  • T - Theme: is there any running symbolism throughout the movie such as the mood created by Love, Hate, Jealousy and the desire to seek something. 
  • I -  Iconography: Costumes, make-up and props that are only relevant to the genre of the movie. For example, you link a trench coat with a detective.
  • N - Narrative: Specifying what the movie is about.
  • C - Characters: Who is involved in the movie, such as: Protagonist who are heroes, police officers, man with a cure or the Antagonist who cause disruption in the plot such as criminals, evil scientists, or extraterrestrial aliens. 
  • S - Style: How is cinematography, sound, mise-en-scene, editing used to create an effect and atmosphere. 

I firstly started off in a group of three, including myself, but since we weren't getting no where (production wise) we decided to branch off into each individual groups. Therefore, I had to rethink the whole process, alone, all over again. For the genre of my film I don't want to go with the generic horror or thriller as I believe that's the most easiest route to capture an audience - I want to challenge myself. 

I like the idea of a feel-good drama, it's uplifting and atmospheric tone will be the key to grab the attention of my audience. Looking at films such as, "Juno" "Submarine" and "Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World" I love the fact that there's a foundation that runs throughout the movie that acts as the hook for its audience; in some cases love, family or a journey. The idea of a "Journey" is most significant to me, living in London there's a major variety of settings, cultures and other factors that I can take advantage of for my title sequence. 

The conventions of a "Feel-Good" drama:
  • Quirky soundtrack
  • Bright colours
  • Juxtaposition 
  • An atmospheric tone 
The conventions of a title sequence is to obtain the attention of the audience, to give an insight to the movie they're about to watch - creating an enigma to do so. Using specific iconography of my genre such as a soundtrack, special effects and a recurring theme to create a tone that'll engage the audience, making them to feel entertained as that's my sole purpose of my film. A title sequence doesn't just set context and a tone, it also is the platform to show who helped in creating the movie from the directors to producers.

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